Referring to Dr Rob
For clients / patients:
Before calling my rooms at New Farm Consulting Suites on 07 3254 0639 for an appointment, please obtain a simple letter of referral from your local GP and have this faxed to 07 3254 0067.
As my work with helping clients / patients involves an active and structured psychotherapy, I don’t usually have a very long waiting period before first appointment, only about 3-4 weeks. There is also a cancellation list which I recommend you ask to be placed upon, if coming along at short notice is possible for you.
For General Practitioners:
Dr Rob Purssey offers thorough specialist assessment and expert treatment of all psychiatric disorders, including investigations and medication management and also offers the cutting edge evidence based cognitive behavioural psychotherapy Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
To make an appointment for your patients, simply write a brief referral “please see” is usually sufficient, with date and provider number. If you provide a contact email, Dr Rob will email upon assessment with a brief note recognizable to you, but without any patient identifying data.
Dr Rob can help your patients who suffer from anxiety, depression, PTSD, chronic pain, psychosomatic problems, OCD, or alcohol and other substance issues (and indeed any other psychological disorder) and who seek psychotherapy or review of psychopharmacotherapy, or who you consider may benefit from a therapy which is similar in ways to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.