Resources for clients / patients:
- The Happiness Trap book– see attached, best to buy online via or Borders or Dymocks etc. see also
- Mindfulness Skills Vol 1 – best to buy as MP3 instant download via –
- 6 ACT Conversations – Acceptance and Commitment Training – free podcast series – see and attached
- – just to look and read around, much good free material here
- – excellent free mindfulness audio tracks here
- if this works, it’s a great mindfulness, defusion practice site.
- finally, a lovely blog helping with anxiety sufferers:
- -> check the archives on the left, for eg
- Etc etc etc
Introduction to Happiness Trap, and further basic mindfulness practice materials.
Resources for clinicians:
TEXTBOOKS – my recommendation is to use these books in this order
- ACT Made Simple is “simply the most accessible book written to date for therapists interested in learning ACT – Jason Luoma, co-author of Learning ACT” – see attached Introduction and first two chapters – brilliant, easy THE BEST PLACE TO START. (and I recommend The Happiness Trap to read alongside this)
- The ABC’s of Human Behavior – an excellent clinically focussed book, helping you “get” the basics. Reeeeeally worth investing in.
- Mindfulness for Two – for a deeper exposure to the work, the underlying principles. A beautiful poetic work of science. Includes DVD with many videos. (and I recommend Things might go terribly, horribly wrong, to read alongside this)
- Learning ACT – the most comprehensive guide to using ACT in your clinical practice, exercises, consistency etc. Includes DVD with many videos. (and I recommend Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life to read alongside this)
- 5. Maybe -> A CBT Practitioner’s Guide to ACT– as it states a work which bridges the gap between traditional CBT and ACT – useful if you’re an experienced traditional CBT practitioner.
SELF-HELP BOOKS (general) – as ACT arises from an account of all human struggle, these books are as relevant to clinicians as to our clients. Recommended in this order (and as accompaniments to texts as above)
- The Happiness Trap – – definitely the most accessible and readable of the wealth of ACT selfhelp books now available – I also recommend Mindfulness Skills Vol 1 CD as an essential aid.
- Things Might Go Terribly, Horribly Wrong – –this “just-out” book is superb, and short!
- Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life – the 2005 first ACT self-help book by a co-founder of ACT, Steve Hayes.
SELF HELP BOOK substance focussed
- And the Wisdom to Know the Difference – tentatively titled ACT for Substance users book due out late 2010
- 1. Russ Harris is Australia’s foremost ACT trainer, and runs frequent 2 DAY workshops THE BEST WAY TO REALLY LEARN ACT. Next Introductory workshops in Brisbane occurring July 13 and 14.
- 2. RELAXATION CENTRE OF QLD personal growth ACT workshop – cheap, I day introduction to the processes, every 3 months on a Sunday.
- 3. ANZACT Conference October 2010 will have many workshops, including Kelly Wilson 2 day workshop prior – essential if serious!
- 4. PPL Training – Joseph Ciarrochi, a leading ACT researcher/practitioner is now offering 1 day ACT training workshops through this organisation.
- 5. Join a Local ACT Interest Group – find details via or
- is the “ACT Mothership” where an absurd amount of reading, listening (MP3) and watching (video) material is available once you’ve joined ACBS (see attached flyer) for whatever you’re willing to pay! i.e. as little as $1.
- is a free Personal Growth site, which takes you through a nicely simplified learning model of ACT in videos.
- is a 32 brief Podcast series of Acceptance and Commitment Training which takes you through the whole model (see 6 ACT conversations attached)
- is a website I alluded to in my plenary, a nice ACT blog!
Dr Robert Purssey MBBS FRANZCP
Psychiatrist and ACT Therapist, New Farm Consulting Suites
Ph. 07 3254 0639 Fax 07 3254 0067 Message Service 07 3309 2268
Dr Robert PursseyMBBS FRANZCPPsychiatrist and ACT TherapistNew Farm Consulting SuitesPalm Beach Currumbin ClinicPh. 07 3254 0639Fax 07 3254 0067Message Service 07 3309 2268Email